English - Module 9 Project 1A | Amara (2024)

  • 0:01 - 0:05

    - [Instructor] This is Excel,
    module nine, SAM Project 1a.

  • 0:06 - 0:09

    We will be working with
    Mount Moreland Hospital,

  • 0:10 - 0:14

    and learning how to perform
    financial calculations.

  • 0:16 - 0:19

    Pranjali Kashyap is a financial analyst

  • 0:19 - 0:23

    at Mount Moreland Hospital
    in Baltimore, Maryland.

  • 0:23 - 0:25

    She is using Excel workbooks to analyze

  • 0:25 - 0:28

    the financial data for a proposed program

  • 0:28 - 0:30

    called Neighborhood Nurse.

  • 0:30 - 0:33

    The program involves nurse
    and nurse practitioners

  • 0:33 - 0:36

    providing healthcare services
    to Baltimore neighborhoods

  • 0:36 - 0:41

    from a van outfitted with
    medical equipment and supplies.

  • 0:41 - 0:44

    She asks for your help
    in correcting errors,

  • 0:44 - 0:48

    and making financial
    calculations in the workbook.

  • 0:48 - 0:51

    So, we will go to the
    Loan Payments worksheet.

  • 0:51 - 0:53

    The hospital needs a loan
    to buy the medical van

  • 0:53 - 0:56

    for the Neighborhood Nurse program.

  • 0:56 - 0:59

    Before Pranjali can
    calculate the principal

  • 0:59 - 1:02

    and interest payments on the loan,

  • 1:02 - 1:05

    she asks you to correct the
    errors in the worksheet.

  • 1:05 - 1:08

    So, we will be correcting
    the first error as follows.

  • 1:08 - 1:12

    In cell H17 we'll use the
    Error Checking Command

  • 1:12 - 1:15

    to identify the error in the cell,

  • 1:15 - 1:17

    and then we will correct that error.

  • 1:21 - 1:25

    So, if we look at the
    Loan Payments worksheet,

  • 1:25 - 1:30

    specifically cell H17, we have
    a name error that is showing

  • 1:31 - 1:34

    and we want to use the
    Error Checking command

  • 1:34 - 1:36

    to help us correct that.

  • 1:39 - 1:42

    So, if we go to the Formulas tab

  • 1:42 - 1:47

    and then we look in the
    Formula Auditing group

  • 1:47 - 1:49

    you'll see the Error Checking tool.

  • 1:49 - 1:50

    Go ahead and click on that tool,

  • 1:50 - 1:52

    and there are several ways to help us

  • 1:52 - 1:54

    correct this name error.

  • 1:54 - 1:59

    Help on this Error will launch
    you to the Microsoft site,

  • 2:02 - 2:05

    and give you guidance
    on how you might correct

  • 2:05 - 2:08

    a name error in a spreadsheet.

  • 2:08 - 2:11

    So, you can read quite a bit about that

  • 2:11 - 2:13

    and decide if that's the
    route you want to take

  • 2:13 - 2:14

    to correct it.

  • 2:14 - 2:18

    You can also try to Show
    the Calculations Steps

  • 2:18 - 2:21

    for this particular cell,
    and it kind of stands out

  • 2:21 - 2:22

    that there's a problem.

  • 2:22 - 2:24

    We're trying to use the SOME function,

  • 2:24 - 2:28

    but it's showing you, it's
    evaluating what's happening here

  • 2:28 - 2:30

    and you can choose to Evaluate it,

  • 2:30 - 2:32

    and it's letting you
    know that it is in fact

  • 2:32 - 2:33

    a name problem.

  • 2:34 - 2:37

    You can Ignore the error and move on,

  • 2:37 - 2:41

    or you can simply check, choose
    to Edit in the Formula Bar.

  • 2:41 - 2:45

    So, up in the Formula Bar, we can see that

  • 2:45 - 2:49

    the error has to do with the
    way the SOME function has been

  • 2:49 - 2:52

    spelled, as well as an at
    sign that shouldn't be there.

  • 2:52 - 2:56

    So, we'll simply delete that,
    and type in the word SUM,

  • 2:57 - 2:58

    and press Enter.

  • 2:59 - 3:02

    Then we can go ahead and
    either Resume or close

  • 3:02 - 3:05

    the Error Checking box, and
    you can see now that the error

  • 3:05 - 3:10

    has been selected, with a
    zero balance at this point.

  • 3:13 - 3:16

    Task number two wants us
    to correct the value error

  • 3:16 - 3:18

    in the worksheet as follows.

  • 3:18 - 3:20

    We'll be using the Trace
    Precedents arrows to find

  • 3:20 - 3:24

    the source of the value error in cell C20.

  • 3:24 - 3:27

    We'll correct that formula in cell C20,

  • 3:27 - 3:30

    which should divide the
    remaining principal,

  • 3:30 - 3:35

    the amount in cell C19, by the
    loan amount found in cell D5.

  • 3:35 - 3:38

    Define the percentage
    of remaining principal.

  • 3:38 - 3:42

    Then we'll fill the range
    D20 to G20 with the formula

  • 3:42 - 3:47

    in cell C20 to correct the
    remaining value errors.

  • 3:47 - 3:50

    And if our trace arrows are still active,

  • 3:50 - 3:52

    we will remove those.

  • 4:02 - 4:05

    So, if you click on cell C20

  • 4:07 - 4:10

    and you come up to your Formulas tab,

  • 4:10 - 4:15

    Formula Auditing group, and
    choose to Trace Precedents,

  • 4:15 - 4:19

    you can see that the formula
    in cell C20 is dependent

  • 4:19 - 4:21

    on the remaining percentage below that,

  • 4:22 - 4:26

    and then it is divided by what is actually

  • 4:26 - 4:29

    a column heading in cell D4.

  • 4:29 - 4:31

    So, you know, right away
    that that must be a problem

  • 4:31 - 4:35

    because you can't divide anything that is

  • 4:35 - 4:38

    located in cell C4 at this point.

  • 4:38 - 4:40

    So, I'm just gonna go up to my Formula Bar

  • 4:40 - 4:44

    and our instructions said
    that it should be C19

  • 4:44 - 4:48

    divided by cell D5, and D5 should be

  • 4:48 - 4:50

    in an absolute cell reference.

  • 4:50 - 4:54

    So, once we do that, the
    value error goes away,

  • 4:54 - 4:58

    then we can actually
    auto-fill over to cell G5

  • 4:58 - 5:01

    to correct that error in
    each one of those columns.

  • 5:01 - 5:05

    Our trace precedents arrows are now gone.

  • 5:05 - 5:08

    So, we don't need to worry
    about removing those.

  • 5:10 - 5:12

    Let's go ahead and save
    our file at this point.

  • 5:12 - 5:14

    Click on File, Save As.

  • 5:17 - 5:19

    And then make sure that the name,

  • 5:19 - 5:22

    I'm going to make sure I'm on my Desktop,

  • 5:22 - 5:27

    and make sure the file name
    ends rather than with ones,

  • 5:27 - 5:29

    make sure it ends in _2.

  • 5:32 - 5:35

    And we're ready to try step three.

  • 5:36 - 5:39

    Now, Pranjali is ready to
    calculate the annual principal

  • 5:39 - 5:42

    and interest rates for the medical van.

  • 5:42 - 5:44

    We will start by calculating

  • 5:44 - 5:47

    the cumulative interest
    payments as follows.

  • 5:47 - 5:50

    In cell C17, we'll enter a formula using

  • 5:50 - 5:53

    the cumulative interest payment function

  • 5:53 - 5:57

    to calculate the cumulative
    interest paid on the loan

  • 5:57 - 5:59

    for year one,

  • 5:59 - 6:04

    payment one in cell C15
    through payment 12 in cell C16.

  • 6:04 - 6:08

    We will use zero as the
    type argument in our formula

  • 6:08 - 6:13

    because payments are made
    at the end of the period.

  • 6:13 - 6:17

    We'll use absolute cell
    references for our rate,

  • 6:17 - 6:20

    our number of periods, and
    our present value arguments,

  • 6:20 - 6:24

    which are listed in the range D5 to D11,

  • 6:24 - 6:26

    and we will use relative cell references

  • 6:26 - 6:29

    for the start and end arguments.

  • 6:29 - 6:32

    Once we have the CUMIPMT
    function completed,

  • 6:32 - 6:36

    we will fill the range D17
    to G17 with the formula

  • 6:36 - 6:41

    in cell C17 to calculate the interest paid

  • 6:41 - 6:45

    in years two through five
    and the total interest.

  • 6:48 - 6:50

    All right, so, let's go to cell C17.

  • 6:50 - 6:53

    We're going to use the
    cumulative interest payment.

  • 6:53 - 6:57

    I'm going to use the Function
    Argument box for this one

  • 6:57 - 7:01

    on the Formulas tab in the
    Financial dropdown list.

  • 7:01 - 7:05

    Let's choose cumulative
    interest payment, or CUMIPMT.

  • 7:10 - 7:14

    All right, the rate can
    be found in cell D7.

  • 7:16 - 7:19

    You always want to choose
    the monthly interest rate

  • 7:19 - 7:21

    and this needs an absolute cell reference.

  • 7:21 - 7:23

    So, I've pressed the Function 4 key.

  • 7:23 - 7:28

    The number of periods
    can be found in cell D9

  • 7:28 - 7:31

    and that should contain an
    absolute cell reference.

  • 7:31 - 7:35

    The present value is the
    loan amount in cell D5

  • 7:35 - 7:38

    and that should also be an
    absolute cell reference.

  • 7:54 - 7:57

    The start period for the
    first year can be found

  • 7:57 - 8:02

    in cell C15, and the end
    period for the first year

  • 8:02 - 8:05

    can be found in cell C16

  • 8:05 - 8:07

    and these are relative cell references.

  • 8:07 - 8:09

    The last thing you need to
    do is provide the timing

  • 8:09 - 8:10

    for the payment.

  • 8:10 - 8:13

    So, I'm going to scroll in
    the Function Argument box

  • 8:13 - 8:17

    'til I can see the Type, and type a zero.

  • 8:17 - 8:20

    Once again, that zero is
    actually letting us know

  • 8:20 - 8:23

    that the payments are made
    at the end of the period.

  • 8:24 - 8:26

    Then I can go ahead and click OK.

  • 8:27 - 8:30

    And it shows the interest
    payment for year one.

  • 8:30 - 8:33

    I can also then auto-fill
    over to year five

  • 8:33 - 8:36

    to show interest payments
    for each of the five years.

  • 8:38 - 8:43

    Let's Save by choosing Control + S

  • 8:43 - 8:47

    and then go back to the
    instructions for step four.

  • 8:48 - 8:49

    Step four wants us to calculate

  • 8:49 - 8:52

    the cumulative principal
    payments as follows.

  • 8:52 - 8:56

    In cell C18, we'll enter a formula using

  • 8:56 - 8:58

    the cumulative principal
    function to calculate

  • 8:58 - 9:01

    the cumulative principal
    paid for year one,

  • 9:01 - 9:06

    payment one in cell C15
    through payment 12 in cell C16.

  • 9:06 - 9:09

    We will use zero as the
    type argument in our formula

  • 9:09 - 9:12

    because payments are made
    at the end of the period.

  • 9:12 - 9:16

    We will use absolute cell
    references where appropriate

  • 9:16 - 9:19

    and relative cell references
    when we are providing

  • 9:19 - 9:24

    start and end arguments, and
    then we'll fill the range

  • 9:24 - 9:28

    D18 to G18 with the formula
    in cell C18 to calculate

  • 9:28 - 9:31

    the principal paid in
    years two through five

  • 9:31 - 9:33

    and the total principal.

  • 9:37 - 9:40

    So, in cell C18 we will use

  • 9:40 - 9:43

    the cumulative principal function.

  • 9:43 - 9:46

    I'm going to do a one
    liner with this function

  • 9:46 - 9:48

    for those of you who like to do that.

  • 9:48 - 9:52

    So, type in equals, begin
    to type in CUMPRINC,

  • 9:52 - 9:54

    or cumulative principal.

  • 9:54 - 9:58

    Choose from the list the correct function.

  • 9:58 - 10:01

    The rate once again is in cell D5.

  • 10:01 - 10:04

    Press Function 4 to make it
    an absolute cell reference.

  • 10:04 - 10:07

    Type a comma to take you
    to the number of periods

  • 10:07 - 10:10

    of NPER filled.

  • 10:10 - 10:13

    That can be found in cell D9.

  • 10:13 - 10:16

    Make it an absolute cell reference.

  • 10:16 - 10:17

    Type a comma.

  • 10:17 - 10:21

    The present value is
    the amount of the loan.

  • 10:21 - 10:25

    Looks like I've, for my number of periods,

  • 10:25 - 10:29

    I think I've got that
    right, but I need to do

  • 10:29 - 10:32

    my cumulative principal is actually

  • 10:32 - 10:35

    the rate can be found in cell D7.

  • 10:35 - 10:37

    So, go ahead and make
    that correction there,

  • 10:37 - 10:41

    and then we can go ahead and
    provide the present value

  • 10:41 - 10:43

    when prompted to do that.

  • 10:43 - 10:44

    Let me start that one again.

  • 10:44 - 10:46

    I wanna make sure that you get it right.

  • 10:46 - 10:51

    So, equals CUM principal,
    cumulative principal.

  • 10:51 - 10:55

    The rate is always the monthly rate.

  • 10:55 - 10:58

    Make it an absolute cell reference.

  • 10:58 - 10:59

    Type a comma.

  • 10:59 - 11:02

    The number of periods
    can be found in cell D9.

  • 11:02 - 11:07

    Type a absolute reference
    on that, type a comma.

  • 11:07 - 11:09

    The present value can be found in cell D5.

  • 11:11 - 11:13

    Make it an absolute
    reference, type a comma.

  • 11:13 - 11:18

    The start period for year
    one is in cell C15, comma.

  • 11:18 - 11:22

    The end period can be found in cell C16.

  • 11:23 - 11:26

    Neither one of those have
    an absolute reference.

  • 11:26 - 11:29

    They are relative cell references.

  • 11:29 - 11:31

    Type a comma, and the last
    thing to do is provide

  • 11:31 - 11:34

    the type of payment, and it is a zero,

  • 11:34 - 11:38

    because it's at the end of
    period, close parenthesis,

  • 11:38 - 11:41

    and you should have your
    principal payment for year one

  • 11:42 - 11:45

    that you can auto-fill to year five.

  • 11:47 - 11:49

    Go ahead and save through Control + S,

  • 11:49 - 11:51

    and we'll start the next task.

  • 11:53 - 11:56

    Task five says to go to
    the Depreciation worksheet.

  • 11:56 - 11:59

    Pranjali needs to correct
    the errors on this worksheet

  • 11:59 - 12:03

    before she can perform any
    depreciation calculations.

  • 12:03 - 12:06

    So, we will correct the errors as follows.

  • 12:06 - 12:08

    This time we will use the
    trace dependents arrows

  • 12:08 - 12:12

    to determine whether the
    value error in cell D12

  • 12:12 - 12:15

    is causing other errors in the worksheet.

  • 12:15 - 12:20

    We will use the trace
    precedents arrows to find

  • 12:20 - 12:22

    the source of the error in cell D12

  • 12:22 - 12:25

    and then we'll correct that error.

  • 12:30 - 12:34

    So, let's go ahead, go to
    the depreciation worksheet.

  • 12:34 - 12:37

    We're specifically looking at cell D12,

  • 12:41 - 12:43

    where there is an error.

  • 12:43 - 12:46

    We need to use the trace dependent arrows.

  • 12:46 - 12:48

    So, I'm gonna go to the Formulas tab

  • 12:48 - 12:50

    in the Formula Auditing group

  • 12:50 - 12:53

    and activate the Trace Dependents,

  • 12:53 - 12:57

    and you can see that the cell
    below D12 and to the right

  • 12:59 - 13:02

    is depending, both of
    those cells are depending

  • 13:02 - 13:05

    on this cell to have the
    correct formula in there.

  • 13:05 - 13:08

    So, it lets us know
    that there is a problem.

  • 13:08 - 13:12

    If we look at the explanation of what

  • 13:12 - 13:13

    the formula should be about,

  • 13:18 - 13:22

    in task five c it tells
    us to correct the error,

  • 13:22 - 13:26

    so the formula in D12
    calculates the cumulative

  • 13:26 - 13:29

    straight line depreciation
    of the medical van

  • 13:30 - 13:34

    by adding the cumulative
    depreciation value in year one

  • 13:34 - 13:39

    to the annual depreciation
    value in year two.

  • 13:39 - 13:42

    So, in order to do that
    it looks like it has tried

  • 13:42 - 13:47

    to take C12, which is year
    one, that part is correct,

  • 13:47 - 13:48

    and add it to B11.

  • 13:49 - 13:53

    B11 is once again a row heading.

  • 13:53 - 13:56

    And so, our formula is
    not working well there.

  • 13:56 - 14:01

    So, if we can double click
    this formula in cell D12,

  • 14:01 - 14:03

    or go up to your Formula
    Bar and correct it,

  • 14:03 - 14:06

    it should be C12 plus D11.

  • 14:12 - 14:16

    Press Enter and it helps the numbers

  • 14:16 - 14:21

    in the entire row 12 to be
    adjusted as well as in row 13.

  • 14:25 - 14:28

    We are to remove any arrows
    that are still showing.

  • 14:28 - 14:31

    So, I'll go back up to my
    ribbon in the Formulas tab,

  • 14:31 - 14:34

    Formulas Auditing group, Remove Arrows.

  • 14:39 - 14:42

    In task six, Pranjali wants
    to compare straight line

  • 14:42 - 14:45

    depreciation amounts with
    declining balance depreciation

  • 14:45 - 14:48

    amounts to determine which
    method is more favorable

  • 14:48 - 14:51

    for the hospital's balance sheet.

  • 14:51 - 14:54

    In the range D5 to D7 she estimates that

  • 14:54 - 14:58

    the Neighborhood Nurse
    program will have $234,000

  • 14:58 - 15:00

    in tangible assets at startup,

  • 15:00 - 15:03

    and the useful life of
    these assets is seven years,

  • 15:03 - 15:07

    with a salvage value of $37,440.

  • 15:07 - 15:09

    We will start by calculating
    the straight line

  • 15:09 - 15:12

    depreciation amounts as follows.

  • 15:12 - 15:15

    We'll use the SLN function in cell C11

  • 15:15 - 15:17

    to calculate the straight
    line depreciation.

  • 15:17 - 15:19

    We'll use absolute
    references for the cost,

  • 15:19 - 15:22

    salvage, and life arguments,

  • 15:22 - 15:25

    and then we will fill the range D11 to I11

  • 15:25 - 15:28

    with the formula in cell C11

  • 15:28 - 15:30

    to calculate the annual and
    cumulative straight line

  • 15:30 - 15:33

    depreciation in years two through seven.

  • 15:35 - 15:40

    So, in cell C11 let's do the
    straight line depreciation.

  • 15:40 - 15:43

    Formulas tab, Financial functions,

  • 15:43 - 15:47

    specifically the straight
    line depreciation,

  • 15:47 - 15:49

    or SLN, straight line.

  • 15:49 - 15:52

    The cost can be found in cell D5,

  • 15:52 - 15:55

    and must be an absolute cell reference.

  • 15:55 - 15:58

    The salvage value can be found in cell D6.

  • 15:59 - 16:02

    Absolute reference, and
    the life of the asset

  • 16:02 - 16:04

    can be found in cell D7.

  • 16:06 - 16:08

    Once again, only in those cells,

  • 16:08 - 16:10

    and so, they're absolute references.

  • 16:10 - 16:13

    Once we click OK, it
    calculates a straight line

  • 16:13 - 16:16

    depreciation amount and can be auto-filled

  • 16:16 - 16:18

    and you can see that
    each one of those amounts

  • 16:18 - 16:21

    will be the same, because it's
    straight line depreciation.

  • 16:23 - 16:28

    Let's now do then the declining
    balance depreciation method

  • 16:29 - 16:34

    in cell C18 by following the
    same procedure that we did

  • 16:34 - 16:38

    for the straight line,
    except for task seven D

  • 16:41 - 16:43

    tells us, actually, it's seven b,

  • 16:43 - 16:47

    is gonna have us use year
    one, which is cell C17

  • 16:47 - 16:50

    as the current period for a
    declining balance function

  • 16:50 - 16:53

    and then we'll fill the
    range appropriately.

  • 16:56 - 17:01

    So, in cell C18, we'll use the
    declining balance function.

  • 17:01 - 17:05

    This time, I will do it
    as a one line function

  • 17:05 - 17:09

    equals DB for declining balance.

  • 17:10 - 17:12

    The cost is required.

  • 17:12 - 17:17

    So, we click on cell D5, make
    it an absolute reference,

  • 17:17 - 17:18

    type a comma.

  • 17:18 - 17:22

    The salvage from cell D6, making
    that an absolute reference.

  • 17:22 - 17:23

    Type a comma.

  • 17:23 - 17:27

    The life of the asset is in cell D7.

  • 17:27 - 17:29

    Once again, make that an
    absolute cell reference.

  • 17:29 - 17:32

    Type a comma, because we
    actually need the period now

  • 17:32 - 17:35

    for the declining balance,
    and that can be found

  • 17:35 - 17:39

    in cell C17, year one.

  • 17:39 - 17:42

    Provide the closing
    parenthesis or press Enter

  • 17:42 - 17:43

    and you'll see that the declining,

  • 17:43 - 17:47

    the annual depreciation for
    declining balance number

  • 17:47 - 17:51

    and then as you auto-fill
    this over to year seven

  • 17:51 - 17:53

    you'll see that the numbers change

  • 17:53 - 17:58

    and the depreciation becomes
    less as the years progress.

  • 18:00 - 18:02

    Do a Save, Control + S to Save.

  • 18:04 - 18:06

    And let's do task eight.

  • 18:06 - 18:09

    Pranjali also wants to determine
    the depreciation balance

  • 18:09 - 18:12

    for the first year and the
    last year of the useful life

  • 18:12 - 18:14

    of the medical van.

  • 18:14 - 18:17

    So, we will be using in cell E22

  • 18:17 - 18:20

    we will use the sum of
    the years digit function,

  • 18:20 - 18:24

    the SYD function, to
    calculate the depreciation

  • 18:24 - 18:28

    for the first year, and then
    in cell E23 we will enter

  • 18:28 - 18:32

    the formula using the sum
    of the years digit function

  • 18:32 - 18:35

    to calculate the depreciation
    for the last year

  • 18:35 - 18:38

    using the appropriate cell
    references to do that.

  • 18:39 - 18:42

    So, let's go to cell E22.

  • 18:46 - 18:50

    And we'll use the sum of
    the years digits formula,

  • 18:50 - 18:53

    or function, from the Financial category.

  • 18:54 - 18:57

    The cost is in cell D5.

  • 18:57 - 18:59

    We're not copying this formula anywhere,

  • 18:59 - 19:01

    so it doesn't need to have
    an absolute cell reference.

  • 19:03 - 19:06

    The salvage value is in D6.

  • 19:06 - 19:10

    The life is in cell D7

  • 19:10 - 19:14

    and the period that we are
    looking for is the first year.

  • 19:14 - 19:18

    So, you'll find that reference
    in cell C17, year one,

  • 19:18 - 19:19

    and click OK.

  • 19:21 - 19:23

    All right, let's do the
    sum of the years digit

  • 19:23 - 19:24

    for the last year.

  • 19:24 - 19:29

    I'll do one liner equals SYD
    for sum of the years digit.

  • 19:30 - 19:35

    All right, the cost C5, or D5, comma.

  • 19:36 - 19:41

    The salvage, D6, comma,
    and the life of asset

  • 19:43 - 19:48

    is in cell D7, comma, and
    the period is year seven.

  • 19:49 - 19:52

    So, you would select I7 for that.

  • 19:52 - 19:55

    You can type a close parenthesis
    or you can press Enter

  • 19:55 - 19:58

    and you will get the yearly
    depreciation allowance

  • 19:58 - 19:59

    for the last year.

  • 20:03 - 20:05

    Task nine tells us to go

  • 20:05 - 20:07

    to the Earnings Projections worksheet.

  • 20:07 - 20:09

    Pranjali has entered most of the income

  • 20:09 - 20:12

    and expense data on the worksheet.

  • 20:12 - 20:14

    She knows the income from municipal grants

  • 20:14 - 20:17

    will be $25,000 in 2022,

  • 20:17 - 20:21

    and estimates it will 40,000 in 2026.

  • 20:21 - 20:24

    She needs to calculate the
    income from the municipal grants

  • 20:24 - 20:28

    in the years 2023 through 2025.

  • 20:28 - 20:30

    The grant should increase
    at a constant amount

  • 20:30 - 20:32

    from year to year.

  • 20:32 - 20:35

    So, we will be projecting the
    income from municipal grants

  • 20:35 - 20:40

    for 2023 to 2025 using a
    linear trend interpolation.

  • 20:45 - 20:48

    So, on the Earnings Projection worksheet

  • 20:48 - 20:50

    we're going to row five.

  • 20:50 - 20:53

    We're going to select the
    data for municipal grants,

  • 20:53 - 20:55

    C5 to G5.

  • 20:55 - 20:57

    We have a beginning and ending number.

  • 20:59 - 21:01

    Then we'll go to the Home tab.

  • 21:03 - 21:06

    And then in the Editing group under Fill

  • 21:12 - 21:13


  • 21:14 - 21:19

    It has asked us to do a linear

  • 21:21 - 21:23


  • 21:23 - 21:24

    Our series is in rows.

  • 21:24 - 21:28

    The type is linear and it is a trend.

  • 21:28 - 21:31

    So, we will choose those
    options and click OK.

  • 21:31 - 21:35

    And we will get a forecast for
    the years 2023 through 2025.

  • 21:38 - 21:41

    So, task 10 wants us to
    do a similar calculation

  • 21:43 - 21:45

    to calculate the income from
    insurance reimbursem*nts

  • 21:45 - 21:49

    in the years 2023 to 2025.

  • 21:49 - 21:50

    She knows the starting amount

  • 21:50 - 21:53

    and has estimated the amount in 2026.

  • 21:53 - 21:55

    She thinks this income will increase

  • 21:55 - 21:57

    by a constant percentage.

  • 21:57 - 22:00

    So, we will project the income
    from insurance reimbursem*nts

  • 22:00 - 22:05

    for 2023 to 2025 using a
    growth trend interpolation.

  • 22:09 - 22:13

    So, we will be selecting C7 through G11.

  • 22:13 - 22:15

    We'll go back on the Home
    tab in the editing group.

  • 22:15 - 22:19

    We will find the Fill Series option

  • 22:19 - 22:22

    and we once again our data is in a row.

  • 22:22 - 22:27

    The type is growth, and it is a trend.

  • 22:28 - 22:32

    So, the step value is not
    required in that situation.

  • 22:32 - 22:36

    So, click OK and you'll see the trend

  • 22:36 - 22:38

    and it will also adjust
    in the chart over here

  • 22:38 - 22:40

    of the insurance reimbursem*nts.

  • 22:43 - 22:46

    Task 11 says that Pranjali
    needs to calculate

  • 22:46 - 22:51

    the payroll expenses in the
    years 2023 through 2026.

  • 22:52 - 22:56

    She knows the payroll
    will be 140,000 in 2022

  • 22:56 - 23:00

    and will increase by at least 5% per year.

  • 23:00 - 23:03

    So, we will project the
    payroll expenses as follows.

  • 23:03 - 23:07

    Project the expenses for 2023 to 2026

  • 23:07 - 23:11

    using a growth trend extrapolation,

  • 23:11 - 23:14

    rather than an interpolation,
    and our step value

  • 23:14 - 23:19

    will be 1.05, which is a 5% increase.

  • 23:19 - 23:21

    So, this is all about payroll,

  • 23:21 - 23:23

    and so, let's go ahead and do that.

  • 23:27 - 23:29

    If you see the payroll beginning,

  • 23:29 - 23:32

    payroll is 140,000 in 2022.

  • 23:32 - 23:35

    We do not have an ending value in 2026.

  • 23:35 - 23:38

    So, this makes this an extrapolation,

  • 23:38 - 23:40

    rather than an interpolation.

  • 23:40 - 23:42

    If you have your range selected then,

  • 23:42 - 23:45

    go up to the Fill tool, choose Series.

  • 23:47 - 23:48

    The data's in a row.

  • 23:48 - 23:52

    It's going to be a growth extrapolation.

  • 23:52 - 23:55

    We won't activate the Trend box,

  • 23:55 - 23:58

    because our step value is going to 1.05

  • 23:58 - 24:01

    which is a 5% increase in the step value.

  • 24:02 - 24:06

    Go ahead and click OK
    and it kind of shows us

  • 24:06 - 24:09

    a project of what will happen to income

  • 24:09 - 24:10

    over the next few years.

  • 24:12 - 24:13

    Go ahead and save.

  • 24:17 - 24:22

    Task number 12 says the
    projected revenue line chart

  • 24:22 - 24:25

    in the range H4 to Q19 shows the revenue

  • 24:25 - 24:30

    Pranjali estimates for
    the years 2022 to 2026.

  • 24:30 - 24:34

    She wants us to extend
    the projection into 2027.

  • 24:34 - 24:37

    We will modify the projected
    revenue line chart as follows

  • 24:37 - 24:40

    to forecast the future trend.

  • 24:40 - 24:42

    We will add a linear trend
    line to the projected

  • 24:42 - 24:44

    revenue line chart.

  • 24:44 - 24:47

    Then we will format the
    trend line to forecast

  • 24:47 - 24:49

    one period forward.

  • 24:53 - 24:55

    So, on the Earnings Projection sheet,

  • 24:55 - 24:57

    here's the projected revenues chart.

  • 24:57 - 25:00

    Let's go ahead and click
    on the trend line here,

  • 25:01 - 25:04

    and then we can choose our
    Add Chart Element tool,

  • 25:06 - 25:10

    use the more arrow for
    different trend line options

  • 25:10 - 25:11

    and choose Linear.

  • 25:14 - 25:17

    After we've chosen Linear, we can go ahead

  • 25:17 - 25:20

    and choose More Options and
    that will give us the ability

  • 25:20 - 25:24

    to forecast one period forward.

  • 25:26 - 25:28

    And you can see the change on the chart,

  • 25:28 - 25:30

    and then I will close the Format Trendline

  • 25:30 - 25:32

    task pane for a minute
    so you can see the chart

  • 25:32 - 25:34

    just a little bit better.

  • 25:35 - 25:39

    Task 13 says that the
    revenue trend scatter chart

  • 25:39 - 25:43

    in range A21 to G40 is
    based on monthly revenue

  • 25:43 - 25:46

    and estimates listed on

  • 25:46 - 25:48

    the Monthly Revenue Projections worksheet.

  • 25:48 - 25:51

    Pranjali wants to include
    a trend line for this chart

  • 25:51 - 25:54

    that shows how revenues
    increase quickly at first

  • 25:54 - 25:56

    and then level off in later months.

  • 25:56 - 26:00

    So, we will modify the trend
    scatter chart as follows

  • 26:00 - 26:02

    to include a logarithmic trend line.

  • 26:02 - 26:04

    We will add a trend line to the chart

  • 26:04 - 26:06

    and then format the trend
    line to use (mumbles),

  • 26:09 - 26:11

    sorry, logarithmic option.

  • 26:14 - 26:17

    So, on the Earnings Projections worksheet

  • 26:17 - 26:22

    the revenue trend chart,
    click on the series revenue.

  • 26:24 - 26:27

    Let's add a trend line.

  • 26:32 - 26:33

    I'm gonna try that again.

  • 26:33 - 26:37

    It seems like it made a
    strange selection for me.

  • 26:37 - 26:39

    So, I'm gonna delete
    my trend line if I can.

  • 26:41 - 26:42

    Let's try that again.

  • 26:42 - 26:47

    Okay, so, with the chart selected,
    I can add a chart element

  • 26:48 - 26:49

    and a trend line.

  • 26:49 - 26:52

    That looks better, you can see
    the trend line taking place

  • 26:52 - 26:57

    and then for more options I can choose

  • 26:57 - 26:59

    to get my task pane open and choose

  • 26:59 - 27:02

    the Logarithmic trend line option.

  • 27:09 - 27:13

    Now, for some reason, I have
    more than one trend line here.

  • 27:14 - 27:17

    So, make sure that you
    have the logarithmic

  • 27:18 - 27:20

    trend line showing only.

  • 27:26 - 27:29

    Task 14 wants us to go to
    the Investment worksheet.

  • 27:29 - 27:32

    This worksheet should show the
    returns potential investors

  • 27:32 - 27:36

    could realize if they invested $165,000

  • 27:36 - 27:38

    in the Neighborhood Nurse program.

  • 27:38 - 27:40

    Pranjali figures a
    desirable rate of return

  • 27:40 - 27:42

    would be 7.3%.

  • 27:43 - 27:46

    She estimates the investment
    would pay different amounts

  • 27:46 - 27:49

    each year, which is in the range C7 to C12

  • 27:49 - 27:53

    and wants to calculate the
    present value of the investment.

  • 27:53 - 27:57

    So, we'll calculate the
    present value of the investment

  • 27:57 - 28:01

    in cell C15 using the NPV function

  • 28:01 - 28:03

    to calculate the present
    value of the investment

  • 28:03 - 28:07

    in a medical van for the
    Neighborhood Nurse program.

  • 28:07 - 28:09

    We will use the desired rate of return

  • 28:09 - 28:11

    and cell C14 is the rate argument

  • 28:11 - 28:14

    and the range of years one through six

  • 28:14 - 28:19

    in cell C7 through C12 as the
    returns paid to the investors.

  • 28:22 - 28:26

    All right, so, let's go to
    the investment worksheet,

  • 28:30 - 28:34

    in cell C15.
    (computer chimes)

  • 28:38 - 28:41

    And calculate the net present value.

  • 28:41 - 28:46

    Formulas, Financial
    functions, net present value.

  • 28:46 - 28:50

    The rate once again can be
    found in cell C14 just above.

  • 28:50 - 28:52

    We don't need an absolute cell reference.

  • 28:52 - 28:56

    We're not copying it anywhere,
    and value one should include

  • 28:56 - 28:59

    the range C7 through
    C12, which is the payment

  • 28:59 - 29:01

    over the six years.

  • 29:03 - 29:04

    Close parenthesis.

  • 29:05 - 29:08

    (computer chimes)

  • 29:08 - 29:09

    Okay, let's see.

  • 29:09 - 29:13

    Our instructions tell us
    that if we happen to find

  • 29:14 - 29:18

    a formula that omits an
    adjacent cell error warning

  • 29:18 - 29:19

    we're supposed to ignore it.

  • 29:19 - 29:22

    So, don't worry about that
    if you've got an icon here

  • 29:22 - 29:23

    with an exclamation point.

  • 29:23 - 29:25

    They're having us ignore that.

  • 29:25 - 29:28

    All right, let's then
    now do the last step,

  • 29:28 - 29:32

    which is Pranjali also wants to calculate

  • 29:32 - 29:35

    the internal rate of
    return on the investment.

  • 29:35 - 29:39

    If it is 7% or higher,
    she is confident that

  • 29:39 - 29:41

    she can attract investors.

  • 29:41 - 29:43

    So, we will calculate the
    internal rate of return

  • 29:43 - 29:45

    on the investment as follows.

  • 29:45 - 29:49

    We will use the IRR function in cell C17

  • 29:49 - 29:53

    to calculate that internal
    rate of return for investing

  • 29:53 - 29:56

    in a medical van for the
    Neighborhood Nurse program,

  • 29:56 - 29:59

    and we will use the payments
    for startup in years

  • 29:59 - 30:03

    one through six, which are
    in the range C6 through C12

  • 30:03 - 30:06

    as the returns paid to the investors.

  • 30:08 - 30:12

    So, in cell C17 we will use the IRR

  • 30:12 - 30:16

    internal rate of return function.

  • 30:19 - 30:22

    All right, for values then,
    we want to just include

  • 30:22 - 30:26

    the range C6, which includes
    the initial startup payment

  • 30:26 - 30:31

    through C12, close
    parenthesis, and press Enter,

  • 30:31 - 30:35

    and at 7.52% you would
    have the correct answer.

  • 30:35 - 30:38

    To understand the IRR function
    just a little bit better,

  • 30:38 - 30:43

    you could go to your e-text,
    specifically exercise 9-12c

  • 30:43 - 30:46

    will give you more information
    about that function.

  • 30:48 - 30:51

    So, your workbook should
    look like the final figures.

  • 30:51 - 30:53

    I would double check
    those in the instructions.

  • 30:53 - 30:56

    Let's do one last save of our document,

  • 30:56 - 30:59

    so we have a final copy
    and we can go ahead

  • 30:59 - 31:00

    and submit the project.

  • 31:00 - 31:01

    Thank you everyone.

  • English - Module 9 Project 1A | Amara (2024)
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    Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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