How To Get Ash 2024 | Ash Farm Guide | Warframe School (2024)

Getting Ash – especially as a new player – can be very confusing and frustrating.

You’re accustomed to getting new Warframes simply by playing through the star chart and killing bosses or by doing quest lines and get rewarded with the blueprints at the end.

So farming for a certain Warframe seems very easy at first, but once you try to get Ash, you’re in for a bad time.

That said, nowadays it is way easier to get Ash and the different blueprint parts as long as you know where to go and what to do.

This guide will help you exactly with that.

Don’t get discouraged if you have some bad RNG while farming for Ash, because you’re going to get lucky with another Warframe later on.

So just keep running the missions mentioned here and enjoy playing Ash soon(ish)! If you are looking for ways to build Ash once you’ve got him, feel free to take a look at our Ash Builds Guide.

Ash Farm – How To Get Ash’s Blueprints

The main blueprint can be found in the market, so head over there and buy it for 35.000 credits or wait until you have all the different blueprint parts if you are currently short on credits.

You will always have access to the market, so buying it beforehand won’t give you an edge or any advantage.

The three other blueprints for the Neuroptics, Chassis and Systems are dropped by an enemy, called ‘Manic‘.

They are part of the Grineer and therefor will be found in any given Grineer mission with an active alarm.

That also includes endless missions where the alarm is active from the start – e.g. Survival or Excavation missions.

There are some things you need to know when you start hunting Manics:

  1. There is no guaranteed spawn in any other mission type other than Defection.
  2. Manics can be killed by other fractions. So if you’re doing Invasions, Crossfire missions or similar mission types, don’t hesitate to hunt down the Manics or they might get killed by the Infested or Corpus units.
  3. While Manic Bombers Drekar Manics count as a ‘Manic’ type for the ‘Sands of Inaros’ quest line, they don’t drop Ash blueprints. So farming Tyl Regor on Titania, Uranus, won’t get you closer to your goal.
  4. New Manics will announce their spawn with a howling (some might say: manic) laughter, so keep your audio on and your ears ready.

Manics are very agile, fast and can also use some sort of cloaking, so hunting them down might feel overwhelming, especially for new players.

While they are invisible you can still see them, since they wear a shining mask that still emits light during their cloaked phase.

But they are also able to teleport, so keep your eyes open and dodge their strong slash damage attack – or you might see yourself not being the hunter, but the hunted.

How To Kill a Manics

While Manics can be super strong, especially for newer players, they also do have some weak points.

They can easily be crowed controlled, killed with burst damage or simply shot down with your weapons.

So if you are on a hunt for Ash parts and you’re not going in with a team, pick up one Warframe you are comfortable with and make sure the Warframe somehow fits the mentioned formula.

Here are some great Warframes you might want to use:

  • Frost: Getting Frost in the early stages of the game is already a great idea and using him to farm Manics will be super easy. Use your Snow Globe to be safe from incoming projectiles and aim with your first ability for Manics. You can even use your ultimate ability to freeze them, but don’t forget that any duration will be cut short because of the reduction ability of Manics.
  • Nova: Slowing Manics down is probably the best idea and if you manage to get a full Slow Build on your Nova, killing Manics won’t be a problem at all. Bring a good weapon to shoot everything down and you’re good to go!
  • Mesa: Manics are fast, but Mesa is faster. Pop your abilities and simply shoot everyone and everything in range. Manics won’t stand a chance!
  • Volt: Bringing a Volt does give you the ability to burst your enemies and simultaneously bring crowd control – and even Overshields. Just make sure to have some sort of energy regeneration so you’re not getting caught by Manics with your ePants down.

Those Warframes are just some simple ideas and there are a lot of different viable options in the game.

Just think about all the Warframes you currently own and how they might CC or burst Manics and all other enemies in the mission.

Then you won’t have any trouble farming Ash blueprints at all!

Best Places To Farm Ash Parts (Blueprints)

As mentioned above, the only mission type that has a guaranteed spawn of Manics is Defection.

Lotus will even loudly announce the spawn and warn you that Manics are out there, coming to kill the survivors.

Here are the mission nodes you should use if you’re actively farming for Ash blueprint parts:

  • Yursa, Neptun: After around 5 to 6 minutes after you opened to first door there will be at least one Manic, so keep your eyes and ears open.
  • Caracol, Saturn: This mission takes 6 to 8 minutes for the Manic spawn and also has the chance to spawn more than one.
  • Memphis, Phobos: You need at least 10 to 12 minutes here before you’re getting your first Manic spawn.

While it is possible to get more than one Manic spawn, leaving after you successfully hunted down and killed the Manic and restart the mission is usually the best way to go.

The current drop rate for the different blueprint parts are:

  • Ash Chassis Blueprint: 12,78%
  • Ash Neuroptics Blueprint: 12,78%
  • Ash Systems Blueprint: 7,44%

So the expected amount of Manics you need to kill is around 20.

But don’t feel sad and discouraged if you need way more than that, because RNG is a big part of the game and if you’re unlucky here, there is a good chance you’re going to be lucky another time.


Ash is the ultimate ninja and as one of the original Warframe members he always has been in the game.

Farming him is somewhat grindy, but once you get your hands on him, you’re going to love his play style.

Ash Prime is currently vaulted, but there is a good chance that he will be unvaulted in the future for a few weeks.

So if you don’t want to hunt Manics, just wait for the unvaulted period or trade with other players for his prime parts!

In This Article:

How To Get Ash 2024 | Ash Farm Guide | Warframe School (2024)


How To Get Ash 2024 | Ash Farm Guide | Warframe School? ›

Ash's main blueprint can be purchased from the Market. Ash's component blueprints are obtained from Venus Proxima (Systems), Neptune Proxima (Neuroptics), and Pluto Proxima (Chassis) Survival, Defense, Exterminate, and Volatile missions. All drop rates data is obtained from DE's official drop tables.

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Ash comes from rotation A (so first and second rounds) on Survival and Defense. Your best by far is on Neptune - Venus is the worst planet by drop rate and staying longer than 10 minutes (Survival) or 2 rounds (Defense) is entirely a waste if your goal is to farm Ash.

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On May 24th, 2017, it was announced that Ash Prime would enter the Prime Vault and be retired from the reward tables on May 30th, 2017. Any preexisting components or fully-built frames will remain as is.

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Ash teleports towards the target, bringing him into melee range and making enemies vulnerable to finishers. Project fierce shadow clones of Ash upon groups of distant enemies. Join the fray using Teleport.

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The 66th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition will take place December 7-10, 2024, in San Diego, California, and online.

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Distraction and subterfuge become lethal weapons with Ash Prime. Featuring altered mod polarities for greater customization. Launches a spinning blade of pain, dealing high damage and impaling enemies to walls. Drops a smoke bomb that stuns enemies and obscures their vision, rendering Ash invisible for a short time.

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Dante's main and component blueprints can be obtained from Rotation C of Disruption Armatus on Deimos. Access requires completion of The Deadlock Protocol and Whispers in the Walls.

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Iradite is a resource that can be found on low-elevated areas on the Plains of Eidolon, which includes Twin Horns, Seaside Ruin, Hek's Stiletto, Er-Phryah's Vigil, Renthi Spring and The Seethe. They appear in deposits that can be destroyed with attacks, with the amount of Iradite being tied to the area's level range.

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As of July, 2024, Ember Prime is the longest vaulted Prime Warframe, being vaulted January 25 2022.

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Never Vaulted Weapons
  • Burston Prime.
  • Lex Prime.
  • Venka Prime.
  • Fang Prime.

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On October 18th, 2023, Harrow Prime, along with Knell Prime and Scourge Prime, entered the Prime Vault and were retired from the reward tables.

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Ash's main blueprint can be purchased from the Market. Ash's component blueprints are obtained from Venus Proxima (Systems), Neptune Proxima (Neuroptics), and Pluto Proxima (Chassis) Survival, Defense, Exterminate, and Volatile missions. All drop rates data is obtained from DE's official drop tables.

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Nyx is my favourite frame and one of the strongest frames in the game. Being 100% CC focused frame she scales incredibly well in pretty much any mission. Her 1 is straight up mind control, which can be used to protect yourself, tank for you, deny any damage from that source or just have a friend if you're lonely.

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Umbra exhibits sentience in combat without Transference control. Attacks 10% faster and deals 10% more damage while wielding swords.

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Players need to take it to Smithing Master Hewg of the Roundtable Hold to duplicate other Ashes of War. Ashes of war obtained through player trade will not show up in the duplication menu at Smithing Master Hewg.

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Accessing the Leverian

A Warframe's Leverian entry can be accessed through the Codex, via the Leverian button on the lower right-hand corner of the screen on the Warframe's codex page, or via the Leverian tab of the Codex.

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The player must either purchase it with real-world currency, trade certain game items with other Players for said Platinum, or if the Player is extremely lucky, obtain a fair amount of Platinum by watching Devstreams or participating in contests.

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