I think I'm getting a divorce and it's not a good moment - September 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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I think I'm getting a divorce and it's not a good moment - September 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (1)

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so I been with my husband for 11 years we have 4 girls and this baby is a girl, since I got pregnant which I didn't want another baby he did and didn't ask of we could try I was t ready mind you we have a 9 year old, 5, 4, and a 18 month old my hands are full I wasn't trying to have another but here I am pregnant again and I told him I didn't want to go through pregnancy alone which I did with all because of his alcohol problem but now he stopped drinking and I appreciate it so much that he did I always try to make him feel special I do sooo much for this man and always please him in anyway I can I still take off his shoes and cut his nails and do everything I'm very loving towards him especially now but lately he has been super frustrated with me we don't talk it's rare because onces he is home he is on his phone and ignores me most of the time but I sat down to talk to him today about how I really want him to love on me a bit and to pay attention to me that I'm about to have this baby and I feel no support at all mind you I do lovenox shots and since we found out it's a girl he really distant himself alot I told him his feelings are valid that he can tall to me but he always says in stupid that he doesn't think that way and that he is just but a loving person which he was now he just seriously doesn't pay attention to me at all I don't ask for money or anything just 5mins of his time and he said that I'm very annoying and that I need to leave him alone that I bug him all the time with the same crap to get over it already that what's the deal that for me to find someone else if that's what I want because he isn't going to give it to me, I feel so broken because I don't even deserve 5 mins of a conversation with him anymore and I feel like our marriage is over after 5 kids i don't know how to feel at this point

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ma'am, you should have left him 5 kids ago.
he sounds like he doesn't know how to treat a woman and you & your kids deserve better 🥲

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thank you so much for your words I don't even thinknhe would make an effort in going at all tbh

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That’s really hard, have you tried couples counselling? What have you tried to make it work? Has he been this way since kid 1? Or is this a recent thing since he stopped drinking? I’m dating a recovering addict and I know at first while he stopped it was really hard on our relationship as he was trying to find himself and focused all his time and energy on his recovery…

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so… what are you gaining from being with this person? What are you teaching your kids by staying?

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that sounds so incredibly difficult and I'm so sorry you're going through this.

I would take a few moments to look back and remember *why* you married him. *why* you felt attraction to him. when was the first moment you realised you liked him more than a friend? think about all the good memories that you have together. do these outweigh all the struggles? are you BOTH willing to try to get to a good point in your relationship again?

I would highly suggest couples counselling but you should definitely try to talk one on one in the meantime. maybe you both need some time apart? it's not fair to you for your emotions to be neglected. since he has recently quit drinking, it is probably super hard on him, though that is no excuse for the way he is treating you. and he probably knows that. it sounds like you may have created a safe space for him to speak to you, but is there anything else that could be stopping him from sharing how he feels?

it seems emotions are very high from both of you right now. if you can't work through this, then I think a conversation about permanent separation (divorce) would be the next step.

he clearly needs to work on himself and used alcohol to avoid doing that for a very long time. you did not and do not deserve to be treated the way he is treating you. he needs to open his eyes and realise that the amount of hurt he is giving you is only pushing you away and it's not going to be able to be fixed if it continues. I wish you the best, mama. no matter what happens, it will all work out ❤️

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you deserve to be loved and you deserve the time and space to focus on your children and have help, as well. they're his children, too. he shouldn't be complaining. they are his responsibility. he's just not willing to step up. he wants to spiral into his little hole of self hatred and drag you in with him so he's not alone. take this time to focus on yourself. maybe if he sees that you're not going down with him, he'll wake up and you both can come to the right decision for your marriage- stay together or divorce. you don't need this stress, especially being pregnant. don't put any blame on yourself because how he is treating you and himself is not a reflection of you. he's using you to make himself feel better. you'll get through this, mama ❤️ it may feel really tough right now but it will get better ❤️❤️

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This sounds an awful lot like love bombing … but this is something you would have to check and confirm yourself. I’m sorry you’re going through this, no one should be treated that way.


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thank you I will look into this💚

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I’m so sorry you’re going through this.. personally I’d stop doing all that for him and show him what it would be like if you left him or didn’t care. I will not go above and beyond for anyone that treats me like crap. I hope everything works out for you. ❤️

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thanks I will do that I can't keep neglecting my self any longer

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Sorry to hear this. It sounds a lot like my situation in some ways. Like the frustration and not giving me time.

Sounds like you do a lot for him. Taking his shoes off and cutting his nails is a bit strange and a bit of a red flag for me. Between that and the alcohol problem and the way he treats you sounds like there is potential narcissistic personality disorder. The real kind. I would also question if it's possible he has NPD and the fact that he's been distant is it possible he's cheating? Sometimes people with NPD have a tendency of cheating. I don't think it's fair you're giving so much and not receiving. If he's not willing to give you time etc you need to stop giving so much to him.

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I don't think so he comes home and works with my brother and stuff I mean unless he texts someone I hardly check his phone like that

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I think I'm getting a divorce and it's not a good moment - September 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (94)


I just found out my Fiancé of 8 years and going on our fourth boy has been cheating on me, paid for Tinder Gold during my pregnancy as well as his history of physical abuse in the mix. I am 34 weeks tomorrow and i feel for you. He wanted me to get pregnant with this baby too, would get mad if I talked about birth control. Anyways I’m 24 he’s 28. I’m young, I will have four boys and i am not wasting any more of my years on him. Find the courage and strength to leave, for you and for your kids. Once our son is born and I am healed I will be leaving.

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yes girl we deserve so much more I'm 28 and my husband is 30

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I think I'm getting a divorce and it's not a good moment - September 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (107)


Girl, please stop doing so much for this man. He does not respect you. He’s walking all over you. You are better than being a doormat. You’ve been babying the hell out of him and he doesn’t deserve any of it. Have some dignity! Do this nice stuff for YOURSELF!

You should watch The First Wives Club and Diary of a Mad Black Woman, get some fire under your ass, and show him where the door is. F him. Losing this man is NOT a loss.

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thank you lol I sure will thanks for your encouraging words I need friends like you lol

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just the fact that he wanted a baby and you didn't and now you're pregnant and he isn't there for you is very sus

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yeah I know I think since I was going to leave him and he started acting right and got sober he got me pregnant to not leave so easy I don't even know what to think anymore

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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